Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day

Summer is officially here and we are loving it! Loving having Ryan home...loving no schedule...loving swimming...just loving it! Can I just tell you that Judah has no fear when it comes to being in the water! He does the water slide. Jumps off the diving board. He is our little water bug. And he does EVERYTHING with that famous grin of his or laughing the best laugh I truly have ever heard. He has added so much to our lives that I get tears in my eyes just thinking of what it would be like if we hadn't followed the Lord's prompting. And he gets to celebrate Father's Day because HE HAS A FATHER!!!!!
Last week Ryan and I attended a dinner in honor of Katie Davis and her ministry Amazima. I have blogged about her before. The twenty-two year old who is living in Uganda as a missionary and HAS ADOPTED FOURTEEN CHILDREN by herself. The Lord is using her to be His hands and His feet to so many who do not have a father to celebrate. Amazima Ministries operates a sponsorship program for over 400 orphaned children. These children are provided an education, medical care, and three meals a day. Once a week they are also provided Bible and health training. This program also goes into the Masese commmunity...Uganda's poorest and most displaced people...the slums...the worst love, feed, and take care of many. Katie also teaches women without any means of income how to make paper necklaces that are sold here in the United States. Amazima is a ministry that is touching lives for Jesus.
I must admit that I needed to attend that dinner. I have been to Katie's home in Uganda. I have fed those children who are so hungry waiting in line. I have looked into their eyes and seen the desperation. I have helped fill bags of flour and rice to give each child to take to their families so that they might have dinner. But, I needed to attend that dinner. I needed to attend that dinner because I so easily forget. I need to be reminded DAILY of how much that I have. I need to be reminded DAILY how I to am supposed to care for the least of these. I need to be reminded DAILY how many children there are in this world without mommy's or daddy's. I need to be reminded DAILY that my son...was abandoned. I need to be reminded DAILY that I am called to pray and to care for the husbandless and the fatherless.
Judah has enriched all of our lives. Adoption has enriched my life. And God used Katie Davis and Amazima ministries to lead me to Uganda where we would find our Judah. But, now I have seen Uganda....I have witnessed the people....the children...the hurting...the diseased...the orphans and I needed a reminder. Loving His people does not stop just because Judah is home. There are millions of orphans who need a daddy to celebrate on Father's Day. And today I honor my wonderful husband for being such an amazing daddy. And today I stand in awe of my Heavenly Father, and of his Son, our Savior.


  1. incredible, again, lins! i love your heart--thanks for sharing!
    and thanks for your comment on my blog--made my day!!

  2. I need to be reminded too.. So often I get carried away in my rich, easy, comfortable existence here in America that I forget about "the least of these". Thanks for the beautiful message. Hope to see you soon!

  3. We all need to be reminded not to be too comfortable in our comfort here as our brothers and sisters in Christ suffer around the world. I too thought I would never forget after traveling to Ethiopia, but I need constant reminders to bring me back to that place. Here is the link to the African Fellowship Group I was telling you about. Hope you can come on Sunday.

  4. Lindsey, I found your blog via your facebook page and have just spent most of the night reading your incredible story..Judah's story...the Father's story. I have wept and wept over this beautiful depiction of the Gospel. I am just blown encouraged and convicted and spurred on to love God more...your writing is incredible. You have an amazing gift! Thank you for sharing your story with us! I am so glad to catch up and see all that the Lord has done. He is so very very good. I couldn't be happier for you and Ryan. What gorgeous children you have! Take care and keep writing!
    With love,
    Heather Sachs

  5. question. . .found you by googling africa adoption and amazima!!

    would you mind sharing with me who/where you went through for your adoption? i'm clueless. we have just started praying about it, and are listening to God's following!! thank you so so much!
    my blog is: and my email is! whatever is best for you to email me!! thank you so so much!! have a blessed night!!!
